I am from Poland, You are British, He is eleven, Marta is my friend, My dog is funny, We are best friends, My parents are nice, I am not Polish, We are not teachers, He is not sporty, She isn't funny, They aren't British, I'm not ten, Are you Polish?, Is she a student?, Is Tom your brother?, Are your friends nice?, It is my game console, It's his skateboard, It's your water bottle, It's its bed, It's our classroom, It's their laptop, Whose sketchbook is it?, Whose sunglasses are they?, It's Emily's sketchbook, They're Tom's sunglasses., This is my tablet, These are my books, That is my armchair, Those are my plants, How much is this skateboard?, How much is it?, That is my car, Can I have the skateboard, please?, Where are my sunglasses?, Where's the pencil case?, It's my fault, What a great idea, How much are they?, Those are mirrors, This is my bedroom, My books are on the shelf, My bed is next to the desk, My armchair is behind the TV, My clothes are in the wardrobe, My chair is in front of the desk, My carpet is under the bed,

TOGETHER 4 - Unit 1-3 - Czasownik BE, przymiotniki dzierżawcze


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