We are making sandwiches, cakes, and cookies. - To separate items in a list., A lot of cakes were reduced in Asda, so I bought enough for the whole group. - To join 2 sentences with a conjunction., It's time we went home, isn't it? Well, that was a waste of time. - To mark a short pause, or add extra information., In the future, I want to work in travel or tourism. - To show the end of an introductory phrase., Jackson, can you save all your work in a new folder? - To separate names in a direct address., James Bolan, the head chef, let me decorate all the cakes. - To separate short, non-essential information from the rest of the sentence., Kevin asked, 'When can we go to break?' - To introduce direct speech., Jane is a beautiful, intelligent girl. My dog is a greedy, dopey animal. - To separate 2 or more adjectives that modify the same noun.,


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