Maltose  - Maltase, Sucrose - Sucrase, Lactose - Lactase, Lipid - Lipase, Protein - Protease, Biological Catalysts - Enzymes, Quick Energy - Sugars (glucose), Long Term Energy, Insulation - Lipid, Makes up Cell Membrane - Lipids, Carbohydrates - Monosaccharides, Proteins - Amino Acid, Lipids - Glycerol, Fatty Acid Chains, Nucleic Acids - Nucleotides, Organic Compounds - contains both Carbon and Hydrogen, Inorganic Compounds - molecules not containing BOTH Carbon and Hydrogen, Influences Enzyme Activity - pH, temperature, substrates, Ex: of Lipids - fats, oils, waxes, Simple Sugars - Monosaccharides (glucose), Complex Sugars - Polysaccharides  (starch), Polysaccharide - Starch, Monosarccharide - Glucose, Optimal temp. and pH - top of the "hill" on graph, highest value on data table,

Biochemistry and Enzyme Review


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