W-2 - I am received in January, There is one of me for every job you work, You can tell how much you earned and how much you paid in taxes by reading me., 1040 - I am completed yearly by April 15th, Anyone can use me, Beware-there may be lots to fill out, I-9 - I am received whenever you start a job, You use me to prove that you are eligible to work in the U.S., You must provide forms of identification when submitting me, 1099 - I am received in January, You get me if you are not an employee but were paid by a company, You also probably didn't have taxes withheld if you got me, You can also get me for other types of income, such as gains and losses in brokerage accounts, investments etc, W-4 - I am received whenever you start a job, You list information about yourself and your family on me, I determine how much money gets taken out of each paycheck.,

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