Bourbon Triumvirate - three powerful Georgia politicians (Joseph E. Brown, Alfred H. Colquitt, and John B. Gordon) who dominated Georgia politics for over 20 years, International Cotton Exposition - a series of three large events (1881, 1885, 1895) established to display Atlanta’s growth and industrial capabilities and to lure Northern investment to the region., New South - period after Reconstruction where political and community leaders in the South sought to diversify Georgia’s economy and bring Northern technology and/or investments into the state., Populist Party - a short lived political party (1892-1908) made up of farmers that were hostile to banks, railroads, and social elites. At the beginning, the party was made up of both whites and blacks. Georgian Tom Watson was a leader and presidential candidate for the party., Tom Watson - lawyer, writer, and politician from Georgia; most well-known for his rural free delivery bill; began his career in the independent democrat and populist party with a progressive view of racial policies; ended his career as an ardent segregationist and anti-Semite; died while serving a term as U.S. senator from Georgia.,

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