1) She looks like a girl ... a) I use to know b) I used to know c) I used to knew 2) Did you ... more when you were younger? a) used to read b) used to reading c) use to read 3) I ... in the garden at 9 o'clock yesterday. a) was working b) worked c) used to work 4) While Carrie was making dinner, her husband ... the table a) set  b) was setting c) used to set 5) We ... TV when the phone rang. a) used to watch b) was watching c) were watching 6) I'm not as good at maths as I ... a) use to be b) used to be c) was being 7) They ... in Istanbul last summer. a) was b) were c) used to be 8) I ... my best friend in the first grade.  a) meet b) met c) used to meet 9) I ... /played for this football club as a child.  a) was playing b) use to played c) used to play 10) I ... a plate while I was washing the dishes.  a) used to drop b) dropped c) was dropping 11) I ... sick last week. a) was b) were c) used to be 12) Did you spend a lot of money? a) I spend a fortune. b) I used to spend a fortune. c) I spent a fortune.



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