battle - When two groups argue with words, by hitting, or using weapons, colonist - A person who comes from another country to live together with others in an area of land, colony - A place where people from another country come to live together, compromise - An agreement where someone gives up something to end an argument, country - An area of land that has its own government and rules, fight - To argue with words, by hitting or using weapons, freedom - The ability to do what you want, goods - things that are bought or traded and used by people, king - A man born to rule a country, land - The part of earth not covered by water, law - A rule made by government to let people know what they can and cannot do, right - Something a person is allowed to have, get or do, settle - To make a new home or town in an area of land, soldier - a person who serves in the army, tax - Money people pay to the government to get things done, war - An argument between countries or groups in which sides are taken,


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