Are you the kind of person who can do two things at once?, How does a typical day for you start?, What kind of books do you most like reading?, What would your ideal job be?, What reasons do people have for learning English?, How do you usually spend your evenings?, How much travelling have you done within your own country?, Would you enjoy preparing food for a large number of people?, Have you ever travelled abroad? Where did you go?, What social media platform do you use most often?, How big a part does watching TV play in your life?, Do you prefer shopping online or in shops?, What aspects of learning English have you found most and least enjoyable?, What kind of things cause you stress?, What kind of news do you keep up to date with?, Do you try to keep fit? If yes, how? If not, why not?, How important is it for people from your country to learn English?, Do you prefer to go out or stay in for entertainment?, How much opportunity do you have to practise English outside of the classroom?, What are your main sources of entertainment?, How do you normally travel to the place you work or study?, Would you like to do a different job or study something else?, What do you consider to be success in life?, What are your aims and ambitions for the future?, What’s the most memorable place you’ve visited?.

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