1) The __ase is on the t__ble a) (v-a) b) (q-i) c) (b-o) d) (t-u) 2) The p__ice of this house is l__w. a) (n-e) b) (r-o) c) (q-i) d) (l-u) 3) I l__ve in a quiet neighbor__ood. a) (a-t) b) (e-g) c) (o-z) d) (i-h) 4) The phar__acy is between the gym and the b__nk. a) (b-e) b) (f-i) c) (m-a) d) (s-u) 5) There are five chai__s on the d__ning room a) (r-i) b) (v-o) c) (w-e) d) (j-a) 6) I bought a comf__rtable so__a. a) (a-p) b) (i-r) c) (o-f) d) (u-m) 7) The va__e look beautiful with fl__wers. a) (x-e) b) (t-a) c) (j-i) d) (s-o) 8) I am s__rfing the In__ernet. a) (o-z) b) (u-t) c) (a-p) d) (e-r) 9) She is tal__ing on the ph__ne. a) (s-a) b) (g-i) c) (k-o) d) (q-u) 10) There is a gard__n in my hou__e. a) (e-s) b) (i-k) c) (u-v) d) (a-d)

T. Noureyah Alghahmdi-SG1 Revision( spelling) Mid Exam T2 Us 6-7 & 8 خطط علاجية لرفع مستوى التدني في المادة


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