Boycott - Choosing not to buy or use something to show that you do not agree with a person, group, or company., Habitat - The kind of place where a plant or animal likes to live and grow., Imposing - When a rule is made by the leaders of a place and everyone has to follow it., Monopoly - When only one person or company is allowed to sell or control something., Musket - A long, old-fashioned gun that soldiers used to shoot., Outpost - A small fort or place where soldiers stay, located far from the main group, to watch for enemies., Recession - A time when people do not sell as many things as they usually do and businesses may not make as much money., Reconcile - To become friends again after a fight or to solve a problem so everyone is okay with it., Repeal - When a law or rule is taken back or ended., Vandalism - Breaking or ruining someone else's things on purpose.,


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