Today (2023), digital activity alone uses approximately ____ of the world’s energy. Nowadays, global web traffic increases more than ____ in just a few months. By watching a series of 60 episodes, you generate approximately 21kg of CO2, that’s as much as a ____ car journey. Digital pollution is responsible for approximately 50% ____ than air transport Because of the need to cool down data center equipment, these facilities use copious amounts of water which can use in global upwards of 11-18 ____ liters of water every day (one data center can go to 333,100 Liters/day), which is enough to accommodate the water needs of a city with anywhere from 30,000-50,000 people Within the last 10 years photos uploaded to Instagram increased approximately by ____ In 2022, every minute of every day, 5.9 ____ Google searches were made.

Interesting data about digital pollution and use of energy


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