cell - Basic unit of life., multicellular - Organisms made up of many cells., unicellular - All prokaryotes are also _____________.Organisms made up of only one cell., eukaryotic - Cells that do have a nucleus or membrane-bound organelles., prokaryotic - cells that have no nucleus or membrane-bound organelles., bacteria - Unicellular prokaryote., cell membrane - Structure that allows oxygen and nutrient molecules into a cell and allows waste material to exit the cell., flagellum - Structure that helps a cell to move., pilli - Structure that helps bacteria to stick to surfaces and to each other., DNA - Structure that provides instructions for growth and reproduction., cell wall - Structure that helps a plant cell and bacteria cell hold its shape., ribosomes - Structure that creates proteins in a cell., asexual - Type of reproduction required for single-celled organisms such as bacteria., rod - Shape of the Bacilli E. Coli bacteria., spiral - Spirilli is the scientific name for this common bacteria shape., spherical - Cocci is the scientific name for this common shape for bacteria., plague - Caused by a rod-shaped bacteria called Yersinia Pestis., antibiotic - Treatment for a bacterial illness that must be prescribed by a doctor., cytoplasm - Jelly-like substance that keeps the organelles within a cell in place., capsule - Outer covering that provides an extra layer of protection for bacteria cells.,

Prokaryotes & Bacteria


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