1) I don't have ____ free time. a) many b) much 2) Was there ___ trouble yesterday? a) many b) much 3) We haven't got ________ milk. a) many b) much 4) Do ___________ animals live in the Himalayas? a) much b) many 5) I haven't got ________ money. a) many b) much 6) Have you got _________ homework? a) many b) much 7) There aren't ________ tickets left. a) many b) much 8) He doesn't know _________ people in this school. a) many b) much 9) We haven't got ________ exams this week. a) many b) much 10) I don't have _________ time. a) many b) much 11) I usually put some milk in , but not _________. a) many b) much 12) There aren't ________ good songs on this CD? a) many b) much 13) How________ books are there in your bag? a) many b) much 14) How ________ cheese do you buy? a) many b) much 15) How _____ money do you spend every week? a) many b) much 16) How ______ sugar do we need? a) many b) much 17) How ______ students are playing? a) many b) much 18) How ______ tomatoes are there in the fridge? a) many b) much

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