How can I protect myself from phone scams? - Do not give personal information to unknown persons over the phone: do not give your personal data, such as credit card numbers, bank details or passwords, do not click on links in SMS., How can I protect myself from online payment fraud? - Use reliable payment systems and check the website address., How do I protect my financial phone number? - Do not share your financial phone number with unauthorized persons and activate two-factor authentication to ensure security., How do I create a strong and unique password to protect my online accounts? - Use combinations of symbols, numbers, and uppercase and lowercase Latin letters; create a unique password for each account., How do I keep my data safe when using messengers and social networks? - Use strong passwords and two-factor authentication, do not click on links from strangers., What should I do if my credit card is compromised during an online transaction? - If your credit card is compromised, block it immediately and contact your bank to investigate., How can I protect my personal information on public computers? - Do not enter any personal information on public computers and always log out of your account when you are finished., What should you do if your email is the subject of spam and phishing? - If your email has become the target of spam and phishing, update your password, activate two-factor authentication, and notify your email provider., How can I protect my online transactions while traveling? - When traveling, use secure Wi-Fi networks or VPNs, and check the reliability of websites when making online payments., How do I protect my computer from malware and viruses? - Install anti-virus programs, update your system regularly, and do not download dangerous files from unknown sources., What should I do if my personal information is compromised due to a breach of company databases? - If your personal information has been compromised due to a company database breach, change your passwords and keep an eye on your financial accounts., How can I protect myself from online gambling fraud? - Choose a reliable game and platform - check the game's rating, user reviews, and developer's reputation. Avoid sharing personal information with other players., How to avoid fraud when using mobile applications for online payments, such as Google Pay and Apple Pay? - Avoid fraud when using mobile applications for online payments by downloading them only from official stores such as Google Play and the App Store and using two-factor authentication., What should I do to protect my personal data if my computer or mobile device is stolen? - If your computer or mobile device is stolen, lock your accounts, change your passwords, and contact your local police.,

Cyberstorm: Survival in the Digital World


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