1) My computer shut down unexpectedly while I was writing that essay, and I had to start again from scratch. a) from where the computer was scratched b) from the beginning c) the cat scratched me 2) My mom threw a wet blanket on my plans try out for the play. a) put a wet blanket on my plans b) threw a wet blanket at me c) discouraged me 3) It was raining cats and dogs when I walked to school this morning. a) raining heavily b) cats and dogs falling with the rain c) animals in my path 4) My music teacher makes me learn my pieces by heart. a) My music teacher makes me learn my pieces by heart. b) write them on paper hearts c) use my heart to learn them 5) My mother and I don't see eye to eye on the way I dress. a) look each other in the eye b) look from one eye to the other c) agree with each other 6) She doesn't care about you. She's just looking out for number one. a) looking out one of the windows b) looking out for her own interests c) looking for the first one 7) We're hoping our plans for the event cover all bases. a) leave us thoroughly prepared b) a plan on each base c) cover up all the bases 8) Not getting homework done is par for the course with Matthew. a) normal situation b) playing golf c) taking a course at school 9) My friend told me to break a leg before I went on stage. a) fracture the bone in my leg b) break a leg off the table c) wished me good luck 10) Chelsea was going to try out for the baseball team, but she got cold feet. a) feet were too cold b) was afraid to try c) put her shoes on instead 11) Carlos has become quite a bookworm this year. a) turned into a worm b) found worms in his book c) loves to read 12) My little brother can be slower than molasses when doing his chores. a) very slow b) eating molasses c) not very smart 13) Choose the correct meaning of the given idiom to break into a) To make pieces b) To make pieces inside a box c) To hit the door hard d) To enter or open forcibly 14) Choose the correct meaning of the given idiom to break out a) Start suddenly b) Escape c) Both d) None 15) Choose the correct meaning of the given idiom to call in a) To someone to a place b) To ask someone for consultation c) To make a call to some place d) All of the above 16) Choose the correct meaning of the given idiom to come off with flying colours a) Be successful b) To bring colourful kites c) To fly colourful kites d) To leave colourful kites 17) Choose the correct meaning of the given idiom to get at a) To snatch b) To take forcibly c) To find someone hidden d) To reach 18) Choose the correct meaning of the given idiom to keep at bay a) To keep something safe b) To take something away c) To control something from happening d) To hide underwater 19) Choose the correct meaning of the given idiom to keep on a) To go forward b) To continue c) To proceed d) All of the above 20) Choose the correct meaning of the given idiom to set in a) To begin b) To go down c) To re-start d) To make something firm


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