1) HRE stands for…. a) Human Resources and Employment b) Human Roman Emperor c) Human Rights Education d) Health Related Exercise 2) Human right education is fundamental for… a) Human development b) Social development c) Economic development d) All of the above 3) Human right education: equal access to higher education, right to free and compulsory primary education, right to quality education both in public and private schools. a) True b) False 4) …… is\are from the methods of HRE. a) Group work b) Brainstorming c) Discussion d) All of the above 5) Group work is the foundation of many of the exercises; it happens when people work individually. a) True b) False 6) All of the following are from the benefits of group work except ….. a) Encourages responsibility. b) Develops communication skills. c) Develops co-operation d) Develops writing skills 7) Arrange the steps of brainstorming…. a) Decide on the issue, Write the question on a large piece of paper, ask people to contribute their ideas, asking for comments, sum up. b) Sum up, Write the question on a large piece of paper, Ask people to contribute their ideas, Decide on the issue, asking for comments. c) Asking for comments, write the question on a large piece of paper, sum up, Decide on the issue, Ask people to contribute their ideas. d) Decide on the issue, Ask people to contribute their ideas, write the question on a large piece of paper, sum up, asking for comments. 8) All of the following are from the rules of brainstorming except…. a) Write down every new suggestion. b) Discourage repetition c) Encourage repetition d) Encourage everyone to contribute. 9) To implement wall writing method, The facilitator writes up the question to be brainstormed on a wide wall, Then writing the suggestions down, Then participants write their ideas on small pieces of paper and stick them up themselves. a) True b) False 10) The correct order of implementing the association game is…. a) Participants sit in a circle and the teacher says a key word, everyone repeats the word, students say the first word that comes into their head associated with the key word, Each person has to respond to the word the last person said. b) Students say the first word that comes into their head associated with the key word, Participants sit in a circle and the teacher says a key word, everyone repeats the word, Each person has to respond to the word the last person said. c) Participants sit in a circle and the teacher says a key word, Each person has to respond to the word the last person said, Students say the first word that comes into their head associated with the key word, everyone repeats the word. d) Everyone repeats the word, Participants sit in a circle and the teacher says a key word, Students say the first word that comes into their head associated with the key word, Each person has to respond to the word the last person said. 11) ……is a core part of every activity. a) Language b) Science c) Debriefing and evaluation d) Skills 12) Discussions are an integral part of HRE because through discussion people learn to analyse information, think critically, develop communication skills, share opinions and learn from experience. a) True b) False 13) Drama and role playing are from the methods of HRE. a) True b) False  14) Exploring ideas and issues through drama can provide people with an outlet for ……that they might not otherwise be able to express. a) Emotions b) Thoughts c) Creativity d) All of the above 15) Drama involves only the intellect. a) True b) False 16) A role play is a short drama acted out by the participants. a) True b) False  17) Role plays can improve understanding of a situation and discourage empathy. a) True b) False  18) Audiovisual methods are using….. a) Books b) Educational material c) Films, videos, drawings and photographs d) All of the above 19) All the following are from the importance of HRE except….. a) Gaining knowledge and understanding of human rights standards, principles and values. b) Empowering individuals to enjoy and exercise their rights. c) Respect and uphold the rights of others. d) Encourage violence 20) The Goals of Human Rights Education ….. a) Developing critical analysis of their life situation. b) Changing attitudes. c) Changing behaviors. d) All the above

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