1) Why are there ___________ highways in Hawaii? a) interstate b) five-lane c) old d) paved 2) Why are there flotation devices under plane seats instead of ____________? a) tubes b) oxygen masks c) parachutes d) floats 3) Why do __________ chance and ___________ chance mean the same thing? a) tall, short b) long, short c) fat, slim d) big, little 4) Have you ever imagined a world with no ______________ situations? a) hypothesis b) hypothetical  c) particular d) rectangular  5) Why is it that whether we sit _______ or sit _________ the result is always the same? a) left, right b) up, down c) right, wrong d) hot, cold 6) Why do we drive on parkways and __________ on _____________? a) park, driveways b) park, roadways c) drive, parking lots d) drive, back roads 7) Why is the time of day with the slowest traffic called ______________? a) a parking lot b) traffic time c) rush hour d) race hour 8) If 7-11 is open 24/7 365 why are there ___________ on the doors? a) lights b) locks c) door knobs d) flat screens 9) Why is it that when you transport something by car it's called a ______________ but when you transport something by ship it's called ___________? a) luggage, shipment b) cargo, shipment c) box, container d) shipment, cargo 10) Why is it called a TV _________ when there's only one of them? a) set b) couple c) few d) pair 11) Why does your nose ___________ and your feet ____________? a) blow, run b) run, smell c) sniff, walk d) stuff, swim 12) Why is it called a "building" if it has already ____________? a) built b) was build c) been built d) be build


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