to put money aside - to save money for a particular purpose, to pursue talents - to make efforts to develop talents, to grind through - to work hard; to devote a lot of effort to something, to put myself out there - to be open and honest about who you are and how you feel; to step out of your comfort zone, to live to the fullest - to fully enjoy your life, to make the most of every opportunity - to gain as much advantage, pleasure, etc. as you can from every opportunity, to drift apart - to become less friendly or close to somebody, to stay in touch - to communicate with somebody, especially by writing to them or phoning them, to take more risks - to do something even though you know that something bad could happen as a result, to play it safe - to be careful; to avoid risks, to say no to - to refuse something, to miss out on opportunities - to fail to benefit from opportunities by not taking them, to reach out - to contact somebody in order to get help, to hit a rough patch - to experience a lot of problems in a period of your life, to take time to have fun - to find time to experience enjoyable activities,

B2 What's your biggest regret? If only.... Match with the definitions


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