I'm totally against immigration. It's taking away jobs from us hardworking Americans. My cousin lost his job at the construction site because they hired ____ from another country. It's just not fair. And as for the countries these people leave, it's a ____ drain! Truth be told, moving and immigration sound like a ____, they all seek for ____ opportunities and American dream I completely support immigration, you know? It brings ____ and new perspectives to our communities. My best friend is an immigrant from Mexico, and she's so skilful. She ____ her own bakery and now it's ____. It's all thanks to her skills and ____. Well, I don't really know how I feel about immigration. It's ____ sword. On one hand, it can benefit the economy, but on the other hand, it might ____. It's a complicated issue. My neighbor is an immigrant, and he's a great guy. But at the same time, I can understand concerns about ____. Oh my God, I am so emotional about this! Immigration is the ____ of hope and dreams. My grandparents were immigrants, and they came to America ____. They worked their ____ to provide a better life for their children. This country was built by immigrants, and we should always welcome those seeking a better life. For them, immigration is a ____.

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