1) Some animals eat meat (carnivores), some eat plants (herbivores) and some eat meat and plants (omnivores). a) Nutrition b) Reproduction c) Interaction 2) Moving, touching and communicating are examples of ... a) Nutrition b) Reproduction c) Interaction 3) Animals do not make their own food. a) Nutrition b) Reproduction c) Interaction 4) Some animals give birth to live young. a) Nutrition b) Reproduction c) Interaction 5) Some animals lay eggs. a) Nutrition b) Reproduction c) Interaction 6) Animals move, communicate and react to the world around them.  a) Nutrition b) Reproduction c) Interaction 7) Plants use sunlight, water and nutrients from the soil to make their own food. a) Nutrition b) Reproduction c) Interaction 8) Most plants reproduce by making seeds that grow into new plants. Some produce spores. a) Nutrition b) Reproduction c) Interaction 9) Plants also react to their environment. They grow towards the light and their roots grow towards water.  a) Nutrition b) Reproduction c) Interaction 10) Some animals live in groups and some animals live alone. a) Nutrition b) Reproduction c) Interaction

Year 3 | Life Processes - Animals & Plants


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