Call to Adventure - The hero receives a challenge, invitation, etc., Assistance - The hero receives help, often from someone wiser, older., Departure - The hero crosses the threshold, leaving his 'normal world' to the 'special world'., Trials - The hero faces a series of tests, challenges and trials., Approach - The hero faces the biggest test, ordeal or worst fear., Crisis - This is the hero's darkest moment., Treasure - As a result, the hero claims some sort of reward or power., Result - The hero has to deal with the result of getting the 'treasure'., Return - The hero returns to his/her ordinary world., New Life - The adventure has changed the hero; the hero is better than before., Resolution - Any remaining story lines/questions are resolved/answered., Status Quo - The hero continues his/her life but is upgraded to a new level.,

2. Stages of the Hero's Journey (Hangman)



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