1) What is the main purpose of using graphs according to the video? a) To make data look more complex b) To simplify the presentation of data c) To replace numerical data entirely d) To confuse the viewer 2) Which type of graph is recommended for data over time? a) Pie graph b) Bar graph c) Line graph d) Histogram 3) What type of graph is useful for categorizing data? a) Line graph b) Bar graph c) Scatter plot d) Area graph 4) According to the video, what helps in deciding which graph to use for data visualization? a) The complexity of the data b) The audience's preference c) The type of data d) The color scheme 5) What example is given in the video to illustrate the use of a line graph? a) Population growth b) Sales over a year c) Categories of expenses d) Temperature changes over time 6) How does the video describe the use of a bar graph? a) For continuous data b) For data over time c) For comparing categories d) For showing correlations 7) What is a key feature of line graphs mentioned in the video? a) They can only show positive trends b) They are best for discrete data c) They show changes over time d) They require more data points than bar graphs 8) Which of the following is NOT mentioned as a use case for bar graphs in the video? a) Showing survey results b) Comparing different groups c) Tracking changes over time d) Displaying categorical data 9) What visual element do both bar graphs and line graphs share, according to the video? a) Pie segments b) Axes c) 3D effects d) a legend 10) What does the video suggest about choosing between a bar graph and a line graph? a) Always prefer bar graphs for clarity b) Use line graphs for all types of data c) Decide based on the data type and purpose d) It's a matter of personal preference

How to use a bar graph and a line graph


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