ethos - Appeal to the authority of the speaker, his/her credibility and experience., pathos - Appeal to the emotions of the audience using strong language and imagery., logos - Appeal to logic and reason by making logical arguments and giving facts and statistics., allusion - A reference to a historical person, event, a book, a work of art, a literary figure, or object to create a resonance in the reader or to make a point., anecdote - A personal story that the speaker tells in order to illustrate a point., contrast - A contrast or juxtaposition of two opposite things or ideas in order to emphasize the difference between them., diction - The choice of words to convey a tone or create a certain effect by using strong and vivid language., figurative language - Any expression that is referring to something else by means of comparison or having intended meaning that is different from the literal meaning., hyperbole - Exaggeration for rhetorical effect., imagery - Using vivid and evocative images that bring strong associations and feelings in order to make a point and create an effect., parallelism - Using a repeated pattern or structure of language in successive phrases or clauses of a sentence. Some words might be repeated but not all., repetition - The exact repetition of a word or phrase at the beginning of successive clauses, phrases or sentences to emphasize an idea or create an effect., tone - The attitude of the author towards the subject matter of the speech/text., simile - Comparing two things that might be obviously similar by using like or as in order to create a rhetorical effect, metaphor - Comparing two things (that are often not alike) by stating that one is the other without using as or like., personification - Giving personal qualities to abstract ideas, objects, animals or things that are not persons., rhetorical question - A question with an obvious response, which serves as a statement with the purpose of engaging the audience., subject - The topic, main theme or what of the speech/text is mainly talking about, occasion - The instance, event or particular circumstances that caused the making of the speech or text., purpose - The goal or what the speech is trying to persuade the audience,

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