Our company strives to STICK to the highest ethical standards in all business operations, ensuring transparency and trust with our stakeholders. - adhere, To LIMIT unnecessary expenses, the finance team has implemented stringent cost-cutting measures without compromising the quality of our products. - curb, In response to customer feedback, we are determined to CHANGE our product design to better meet their evolving needs and preferences. - alter, The marketing campaign resulted in a MASSIVE increase in sales, exceeding our initial projections and showcasing the effectiveness of our strategies. - whopping, We NEED/DESIRE/WISH all employees to actively participate in professional development programs to enhance their skills and contribute to the overall success of the company. - urge, The IT department plans to USE/UTILIZE cutting-edge technology to streamline processes and improve overall efficiency in the upcoming quarter. - deploy, Despite facing a temporary PROBLEM, our team is ready to INCREASE up efforts and regain momentum in the market. - setback / bump, Our commitment to sustainability is REAL through the implementation of eco-friendly practices in our manufacturing processes. - tangible, We must SUPPRESS any potential conflicts within the team and foster a collaborative environment to ensure a smooth workflow. - stifle, While it's essential to stay innovative, it's equally important to distinguish between a lasting trend and a fleeting SHORT TREND in the market. - fad,


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