Claim: Dogs are better pets than cats., Video games are a waste of time. , Skittles are better than M&M's, Aliens do exist., Counterclaim: Others may say that cats are better pets than dogs because they are more independent., Critics argue that video games are useful because they can improve hand-eye coordination., While some people believe that M&M's are the superior candy, this is incorrect. , It can be argued that aliens do not exist since there are no documented cases of alien encounters., Rebuttal: While that may be true, dogs are more loyal to their owners., While that may be true, video games are used primarily for entertainment purposes. , When you look at the facts you can see that skittles offer many unique flavors, unlike M&M's., However, just becuase we haven't found any yet, that doesn't mean aliens aren't out there.,

Claim, Counterclaim, & Rebuttal Mrs. Marti English II


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