1) What ... next weekend? a) are going to do b) do you do c) will you do 2) ... Bob to kindergarden today, please? a) Are yougoing to take b) Are you taking c) Will you take 3) ... that apple pie? a) Are you going to finish b) Will you finish c) Are you finishing 4) When he comes to Barcelona next month, he ... with some friends? a) is staying b) will have stayed c) 'll be staying d) is going to stay 5) This beach looks amazing! I think we ... this place! a) will love b) are loving  c) are going to love 6) I ... take you to the airport tomorrow if you need someone to give you a lift. a) will take b) take c) am taking 7) My plane ... at Manchester airport at 8pm tomorrow evening. a) lands b) will land 8) I ... my friend in Sicily sometime this year, but I'm not sure when. a) will visit  b) am going to visit c) am visiting 9) My sister ... tomorrow a) will leave b) leaves c) is going to leave d) is leaving 10) I away. I have already packed everything.  a) am going to go  b) will go  c) go d) am going 11) The train ... at 8.30 a) leaves b) is leaving c) is going to leave d) will leave 12) - Would you like apple juice or orange juice? - I ... orange juice, thank you. a) am taking  b) will take c) take d) am going to take 13) - I'm so tired! - I ... you a cup of coffee. a) will make b) am making  c) am going to make d) make

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