1) Adrian ________ at 6 am. a) goes to work b) went work c) goes at work d) going work 2) My grandmother wants to _____ a small apartment because her house is very big. a) moves to b) move to c) moves in 3) I'm going _______my friends in Berlin next month. a) visiting to b) visit to c) to visit 4) Emma _________ Dublin yesterday. a) returned from b) returns from c) return from d) returned 5) We ________ the station and got the train tickets. a) arrived at b) arrived in c) arrove in 6) I usually _______ a hotel for one or two nights on business trips. a) stay at b) stayed at c) staied at d) stay in  7) I _____ a city and go to work every morning by bus. a) live at b) lived in c) live in



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