What is the online platform where you can store your files online? - Google Drive, Facebook - What platform is used for advertising?, LinkedIn - Which is specially designed for businesses and professionals?, Blackberry OS - Which of the following is the operating system of Blackberry phones?, Which site allows you to upload and share media content like images and music?  - Facebook, advertising platforms - Which allows users to create and manage advertising campaigns, generate reports and retrieve information about the ads, campaigns, and organizations associated with an account, Social media - Which electronic communication platform is used for broadcasting information?, Pinterest - Which platform can be useful for marketing tangible products?, What type of social media website is Pinterest? - Bookmarking site, Which of the following is a communication service provider in the Philippines? - Smart Telecommunication, Web Search Engines - It is a software system designed to search for information on the World Wide Web, Payment System - It is any system used to settle financial transactions through the transfer of monetary value, social networking - is a platform for communicating with one another, YouTube - leading video-sharing platform in the world, Twitter or X - 15.PLATFORM FOR HASHTAGGING,


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