1) What is plagiarism? a) Using someone else's work without permission b) Copying and pasting text from the internet without citing the source c) Rewriting someone else's ideas without giving credit d) All of the above 2) How can you avoid plagiarism? a) Properly cite all sources used in your work b) Use quotation marks for direct quotes c) Paraphrase information and give credit to the original source d) All of the above 3) Which of the following is NOT considered plagiarism? a) Paraphrasing a source without proper citation b) Citing the source correctly and including it in your bibliography c) Rewriting your friend's essay and submitting it as your own d) Just adding quotation marks around a direct quote 4) Why is plagiarism unethical? a) It violates academic integrity b) It deprives original authors of credit for their work c) It undermines the learning process d) All of the above 5) Which of the following is an example of self-plagiarism? a) Using your own previously submitted work for a new assignment without permission b) Copying and pasting a peer's work and submitting it as your own c) Citing a source incorrectly in your bibliography d) Quoting an author without giving credit 6) What are some consequences of plagiarism? a) Academic penalties such as failing grades or expulsion b) Legal consequences, including fines or lawsuits c) Damage to reputation and credibility d) All of the above 7) Which of the following is NOT a proper way to cite a source? a) Using a research paper template b) Including a bibliography at the end of your essay c) Mentioning the author's name in a footnote without any other details d) Providing a link to the source in an online document 8) When should you cite a source? a) Whenever you directly quote someone else's words b) When you use someone else's ideas, even if you paraphrase them c) When you use facts, statistics, or data from a source d) All of the above 9) True or False: It is acceptable to copy and paste text from the internet as long as you change a few words. a) True b) False 10) True or False: Plagiarism applies to ideas, words, design, art, images, videos, and music. a) True b) False


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