parallel structure - Constructing different parts of a complex sentence in an equal manner by using the same grammatical structures., metaphor - Comparing unlike items without the use of like or as, rhetorical question - Using hypothetical questions (ones where the answer is already implied) to add evidence to a critical argument, epistrophe - Repeating the same word or phrase at the end of successive clauses, sentences, or paragraphs, anaphora - Repeating the same word or phrases at the beginning of clauses, sentences, or paragraphs, hyperbole - An exaggeration used to emphasize a particular point or argument, juxtaposition - Placing two contrasting images or ideas next to each other for dramatic effect, euphemism - Taking something that would be particularly negative (harsh, cruel, scary, etc.) and phrasing it in a much more positive light, simile - A comparison using like or as, allusion - A reference to something from history or literature,

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