1) What is your favorite movie genre? (You can name several and give examples) 2) Are sequels ever as good as the original? Give examples of good sequels if you can. 3) What’s the worst movie you have ever seen? (Hate-watching also counts) 4) Do you like animated movies? Or are they just for kids? 5) How do you choose which movie to watch? By the genre? The director? The main star? 6) What was the last movie you saw in English? 7) Do you prefer watching movies at the cinema or on TV? Give your reasons. 8) Do you think there is such a thing as a «woman’s film» or a «man’s film»? If so, how do you think they differ? 9) If a book has been made into a movie, which do you prefer to do first, see the movie or read the book? Why? 10) What's your opinion on spoilers? Do you hate them or you don't mind them? 11) What do you think about book-to-movie adaptations? Is it a good thing or does it just spoil the book? 12) What’s your favorite movie of all time? Why do you like it? (You can name several) 13) Which characters do you tend to like more: protagonists or antagonists? 14) Do you like musicals? Why/Why not? 15) Which popular movie you think is too overrated? 16) Which mainstream movies do you absolutely hate? 17) Do you have any movie pet-peeves?

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