1) What should we do in Ramadan ?? a) Lying b) Fasting c) Praying and making Dua'a d) Eating before Al-Maghrib e) Helping our parents f) Saying bad words 2) Bad acts in Ramadan a) Giving food to the needy b) Reciting Qura'an c) Backbiting d) Be nice to my friends e) Fighting f) Sleeping all day till Al-Maghrib 3) Al-Qadr night is at ...... in Ramadan a) The first 10 nights  b) The last 10 nights c) The middle 10 nights 4) Ramadan is the ----- month in the Islamic calendar a) First  b) ninth c) third 5) Ramadan concludes with ------, a celebration which follows the period of fasting a) Eid ul-Fitr b) Eid ul-Adaha 6) The month of Ramadan is believed to be the month in which the-------- was revealed to Prophet Muhammad (PBUH). a) Tawrat b) Holy Qur’an 7) Fasting (sawm) is one of the ------ Pillars of Islam a) Nine b) Three c) Five 8) Eating---- is a popular way to break the fast. It is said that Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) used to break his fast with it. a) dates b) Rice c) Carrots 9) We start our fasting with a ----- meal, which we should eat before Al-Fajr time. a) Suhoor b) Iftar 10) What is the du’a that we should say when breaking our fast? a) Ghufranak غفرانك b) ذَهَبَ الظَمأ وابْتلَتِ العُرُوق وَ ثبَتَ الأجْرُ إِن شَاء الله


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