1) Earworms are experienced by: a) Most people b) Some people c) A few people d) Only people with experience playing an instrument 2) Most earworms are composed of a: a) Timbre b) String of harmonies c) Tune d) Texture 3) A story by Mark Twain is one piece of evidence that: a) Only people in certain cultures are susceptible to earworms b) Earworms existed before the advent of modern recording technology c) Earworms are not important d) Earworms can be cured 4) People are more likely to experience earworms when: a) They've been exposed to a song recently and repeatedly b) They've tried to ignore a song c) They've never heard a song before d) They've busy engaging in a strenuous task 5) Music is especially susceptible to getting stuck in our heads because: a) Most people like music b) It isn't; other things are equally likely to get stuck in our heads c) Music is similar to language d) We don't know exactly why


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