____ are a threat to ____, in terms of both plants and animals. Moreover, uncontrolled ____ further exacerbates the risk, potentially upsetting the ecological balance. Hence, it's imperative to provide legal protection to ____ for their survival and protect ____ such as Antarctica from development and damage. Most scientists also anticipate an escalation in the ____. As carbon (dioxide) ____ from the burning of ____ are contributing to global warming, this will encourage ____ to melt, contributing to the formation of vast ____ and resulting in ____ and climatic changes. These changes will intensify the frequency and severity of extreme weather events. Floods, amplified by rising sea levels, will ____ coastal communities. ____ will persist, exacerbating ____ and agricultural challenges. These adversities will spur the migration of ____, seeking more stable environments. Returning to the issue of water scarcity, ____ is an increasing problem, too since toxic waste is ____ many rivers and seas, and therefore, safe water may become an increasingly ____. In addition, the world population will continue to grow exponentially, which will exert severe pressure on ____, leading to their ____.


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