1) What kind of clothes aren't ... to wear at work? a) suit b) suitable 2) Is it important for you to be ... ? a) fashionable b) fashion 3) Have you ever bought something which was a ... ? a) disappointment b) disappointed 4) Do you prefer using cash, cards or ... payments? a) digit b) digital 5) Have you ever sold anything online (for example, on Avito)? Was it difficult to find a ... ? a) buyer b) buy 6) What kinds of technology are ... for you in your work? a) essence b) essential 7) Do you make ... quickly, or do you usually need a lot of time to think about what you need to do? a) decisions b) decide 8) When did you last have an ... evening with friends? What did you do? a) enjoy b) enjoyable

Word Building - Adjectives and Nouns


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