1) "Ladies and gentlemen of the jury: we have not only the fingerprints, the lack of an alibi, a clear motive, and an expressed desire to commit the robbery… We also have video of the suspect breaking in. The case could not be more open and shut."“60% of the time, it works every time.”-Anchorman a) Ethos b) Pathos c) Logos 2) By donating only fifty cents a day, you can help give a child clean drinking water a) Ethos b) Pathos c) Logos 3) “Choosy moms choose Jiff.”-Jiff Peanut Butter Commercial a) Ethos b) Pathos c) Logos 4) The Centers for Disease Control recommends getting a flu vaccine each fall. a) Ethos b) Pathos c) Logos 5) Nearly 25% of all car accidents are caused by drivers using cell phones while driving. a) Ethos b) Pathos c) Logos 6) My coach suggested I cross-train on Sundays to work different muscle groups. a) Ethos b) Pathos c) Logos 7) Smoking around kids is dangerous because the defenseless children are exposed to dangerous chemicals that can lead to coughing and difficulty breathing and could even lead to deadly asthma attacks. a) Ethos b) Pathos c) Logos 8) Michael Jordan is better than LeBron James because Jordan won six championships and James has only won two. a) Ethos b) Pathos c) Logos 9) "He is a forensics and ballistics expert for the federal government – if anyone’s qualified to determine the murder weapon, it’s him."Listerine is recommended most by dental professionals. a) Ethos b) Pathos c) Logos 10) “With my years of experience, I believe this is the medicine you should take.” a) Ethos b) Pathos c) Logos 11) 90% of teachers who have used this textbook, have seen an improvement in their student’s ability.” a) Ethos b) Pathos c) Logos 12) “With all your wealth and life comforts, I am sure you can donate a little money to people who are less fortunate.” a) Ethos b) Pathos c) Logos 13) “This drug has been tested numerous times, and no patients have reported side effects. It is safe.” Pharmacist a) Ethos b) Pathos c) Logos 14) That's barely 10 times forecast earnings of $25 for the fiscal year ending in September. It's just nine timesnext year's forecast earnings. And it's only around 2.3 times this year's sales. a) Ethos b) Pathos c) Logos 15) If my years as a Marine taught me anything, it’s that caution is the best policy in this sort of situation. a) Ethos b) Pathos c) Logos

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