1) Oni są już w drodze. a) Let's go to my house. b) They're on the way. c) It looks good. d) That sounds good. 2) Poczęstuj się śniadaniem. a) Help yourself to breakfast. b) Never mind. c) It's just right for you. d) What's all that noise? 3) To wygląda dobrze. a) It's just right for you. b) I'm sorry. I can't. c) It looks good. d) They're on the way. 4) Co to za hałas? a) What's the matter with Zoe? b) It's just right for you. c) What's all that noise? d) Let's go to my house. 5) Ona wygląda na zmęczoną. a) Help yourself to breakfast. b) Why don't we go to the cinema? c) She looks tired. d) That sounds good. 6) To jest dla ciebie idealne. a) It's just right for you. b) Why don't we go to the cinema? c) It looks good. d) Let's go to my house. 7) Postaraj się! a) It looks good. b) Never mind. c) Do your best! d) Let's go to my house. 8) Co się dzieje z Zoe? a) Why don't we go to the cinema? b) I'm busy. c) It's just right for you. d) What's the matter with Zoe? 9) Może pójdziemy do kina? a) Why don't we go to the cinema? b) She looks tired. c) I'm sorry. I can't. d) Let's go to my house. 10) Chodźmy do mnie do domu. a) Let's go to my house. b) Do your best! c) That's a good idea. d) I'm sorry. I can't. 11) Nic nie szkodzi. a) Never mind. b) It's just right for you. c) Help yourself to breakfast. d) I'm sorry. I can't. 12) Przepraszam. Nie mogę. a) I'm busy. b) Do your best! c) It looks good. d) I'm sorry. I can't. 13) Jestem zajęty. a) It looks good. b) What's the matter with Zoe? c) I'm busy. d) That's a good idea. 14) Dobry pomysł. a) Never mind. b) That's a good idea. c) Help yourself to breakfast. d) I'm busy. 15) To brzmi dobrze. a) That sounds good. b) Let's go to my house. c) What's all that noise? d) That's a good idea.

Evolution Plus 2 Unit 3 Lesson 4 (English to go)


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