Students should receive homework everyday. - Students should not receive homework everyday., Dogs are the best pets. - Cats are the best pets., There are many reasons that swimming is the best high school sport. - In my opinion, football is the best high school sport. , Cell phones are great for students in middle school. - Cell phones are bad for students in middle school., Homework should be required for every students, every night. - Homework should not be required for every student, every night., School days should be shorter. - School days should be longer., Students should not be able to drive at such a young age. - Students should be able to drive a young age., All students must play a sport before they graduate. - Students should not be required to play a sport before they graduate. , School uniforms should not be required for all students. - School uniforms should be required for all students. , Music should be taught in all schools. - Music should not be taught in all schools., Learning English is important. - Learning English is not important. , All students should get a job after school. - Students should not get a job after school., All children should have a pet. - Having a pet is a bad idea., Technology in schools is necessary for learning. - Technology in schools is not necessary for learning. , Everyone should exercise for one hour every day. - People should not exercise every day. , The internet has a negative impact on society. - The internet has a positive impact on society. , Soccer is a dangerous sport. - Soccer is a safe sport. ,

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