1) What's the matter with him? a) He's got a stomachache b) He's got a cough c) He's got earache d) She's got earache 2) What's the matter with her? a) She's got earache b) She's got a headache c) She's got a cold d) He's got a headache 3) What's the matter with him? a) He's got a stomach-ache b) He's got a toothache c) She's got a stomach-ache d) He's got a headache 4) What's the matter with him? a) He's got toothache b) He's got a cut c) She's got toothache d) She's got a cough 5) What's the matter with her? a) She's got a cough b) She's got a cold c) He's got temperature d) She's got temperature 6) What's the matter with her? a) He's got earache b) She's got a stomachache c) She's got a cough d) He's got a cough 7) What's the matter with him? a) He's got a cold b) She's got a cold c) He's got a cough d) She's got a toothache 8) What's the matter with her? a) She's got toothache b) He's got earache c) She's got a cut d) He's got a cut 9) Choose the correct question. a) What's the matter with she? b) What's the matter with her? c) What's the matter with him?  d) What's the matter with he?  10) Choose the correct question. a) What's the matter with she? b) What's the matter with her? c) What's the matter with him? d) What's the matter with he?



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