1) Steven and Sara waited on the............ a) stairs b) balcony c) train 2) Who is Robert? a) Sara and Steven's big cousin b) the thief c) a friend 3) The man with the black Jacket was........... a) friendly b) not friendly c) happy 4) The children made a.............. camcorder. a) real b) model c) expensive 5) "You are too young" said.......... a) Dad b) Mom c) Robert 6) "Can you film me playing football?" asked............ a) Sara b) Dad c) Steven 7) "Close your eyes" said.......... a) Robert b) The man with black jacket c) Mom 8) The camcorder was cheap. a) True b) False 9) The neighbour was eating infront of the window. a) true b) false 10) Robert pressed the zoom button on his camcorder. a) true b) false

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