1) ____ macaws are beautiful. a) These b) Those 2) ____ bear is big!  a) This b) That 3) ____ rabbit is harmless. a) This b) That 4) ____ ducks are clean. a) These b) Those 5) ____ iguanas are quiet. a) These b) Those 6) ____ bird is rare. a) This b) That 7) ____ dogs are playful. a) These b) Those 8) ____ cat is dirty. a) This b) That 9) ____ horses are obedient. a) These b) Those 10) ____ ferret is cute! a) This b) That 11) ____ mice are small. a) These b) Those 12) ____ penguin is lazy. a) This b) That 13) ____ sheep is fluffy. a) This b) That 14) ____ jaguars are dangerous. a) These b) Those 15) ____ tortoise is slow. a) This b) That 16) ____ lions are fast. a) These b) Those 17) ____ pigs are noisy. a) These b) Those


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