The term "____" arose within the framework of ____. Its author was Jena University professor E. Haeckel (1866). Ecology was initially considered as a part of biology that studies the interaction of living ____, depending on the state of the environment. Later, the concept of “ecosystem” appeared in the West, and in the USSR - “____” and “biogeocenosis” (introduced by academician V.N. Sukachev). These terms are almost ____. So - initially the term “ecology” meant a ____ that studies the ____ of fixed ____. Even now, in general ecology courses, the main place is occupied by problems mainly of a biological ____. And this is also incorrect, because it extremely narrows the content of the subject. Whereas life itself significantly expands the range of problems solved by ecology. Ecology is a science that studies the relationship between humanity and nature. Nature occupies a very ____ place in our life. In the process of development, humanity has created for convenience ____, factories, and enterprises that produce tons of chemical waste. Instead of fresh and clean air, we breathe polluted smoke and exhaust fumes. We eat food grown with ____.




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