molten rock Molten rock beneath the Earth's surface. - magma, A type of magma with high silica content. - rhyolitic/granitic, Magma with intermediate silica content. - andesitic, Magma with low silica content. - basaltic, A small, steep volcanic cone built from ash and cinders. - cinder cone, A large, steep volcano built from alternating layers of lava flows and ash. - strato volcano/ composite volcano, A broad, dome-shaped volcano with gentle slopes. - shield, Plate boundaries where two plates move towards each other. - convergent boundaries, - Formed at the convergent boundary between two oceanic plates. - volcanic island arcs, Underwater mountain range where seafloor spreading occurs. - mid-ocean ridges, Volcanoes that occur within a tectonic plate. - intraplate volcanoes, A large crater formed by volcanic explosion or collapse of a volcanic cone. - caldera, A large, flat area covered by basaltic lava flows. - lava plateau, Lava with a smooth, ropey surface. - pahoehoe, Solid fragments ejected from a volcano. - pyroclastic material (tepahra), Fast-moving currents of hot gas and volcanic matter. - pyroclastic flows, A destructive mudflow on the slopes of a volcano. - lahar, A sheetlike igneous intrusion parallel to the surrounding layers of rock. - sill, A lens-shaped intrusion that arches the overlying strata upwards. - laccolith, The largest type of igneous intrusion, often forming the cores of mountains. - batholith, Underwater mountain range where seafloor spreading occurs. - pacific plate or Ring of Fire, Factors affecting magma formation. - temperature, pressure, water content, A column of solidified lava or igneous rock formed in a volcanic vent. - volcanic neck, An igneous intrusion that cuts across pre-existing rock layers. - dike, Underwater mountain range where seafloor spreading occurs. - mid ocean ridges,



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