Embryology - Different species show striking similarities as developing embryos., Analogous structures - Similarly formed structures that do not share the same evolutionary origin. , Homologous structures - Structures from the same tissue types, but used differently in different organisms, Natural selection - Organisms that are best suited to their environment/have a favorable trait or are able to adapt to changes in their environment are more likely to survive, reproduce, and avoid extinction., Fossils - Preserved remains of once living organisms that indicate evolutionary changes throughout history, DNA evidence - DNA base sequences are more similar in closely related organisms, Different species show striking similarities as developing embryos. - Embryology, Similarly formed structures that do not share the same evolutionary origin. - Analogous structures, Structures from the same tissue types, but used differently in different organisms - Homologous structures, Organisms that are best suited to their environment/have a favorable trait or are able to adapt to changes in their environment are more likely to survive, reproduce, and avoid extinction. - Natural selection, Preserved remains of once living organisms that indicate evolutionary changes throughout history - Fossils, DNA base sequences are more similar in closely related organisms - DNA evidence,

Natural Selection and Adaptation game


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