Where are the cats? - ____in the bedroom. Where is the phone? - ____ in the kitchen. Where are the lamps? - ____ in the living room. What time is it? - ____one o’clock. When do you get up? - ____ 7:00. When does he go to bed? - At ____ o’clock. What do you do every day? - I ____ play with my sister What does your brother do on Saturday? - He sleeps! He ____ gets up before 10:00. What does she do ____? - She always play with her sisters. How does she look? - She ____ tired. How do they look? - They ____ worried. They have a test today. How are you? - I'm ____! Our ____ are taking us to school. A giraffe is eating ____. ____ have thick fur. ____ a frog swim? - Yes, ____ can. A frog can swim. Can penguins fly? - No, ____ can’t. Penguins ____ fly. ____ a tiger have sharp claws? - Yes, ____ does. Does ____ have a trunk? - No, it ____. ____ parrots have colorful feathers? - Yes, ____ do. Do ____ have wings? - No, they ____. Do pandas have long legs? - No, they ____. Can lions run fast? - Yes, they ____. Can tigers fly? - No, they ____. Do a penguin have a long trunk? - No, ____ don't.

EOW2 - Review Grammar Unit 5-8


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