1) The Advantages of E-Learning 2) Should life skills classes be required in schools? 3) What will the future of education look like? 4) People who live in cities will die younger. 5) Fast food establishments should provide healthier choices. 6) Social media should be banned for teenagers 7) Beauty is important 8) Money is NOT important 9) Stress can kill 10) Students should be allowed a part time job 11) Canteen food is not healthy 12) Love is NOT important in life 13) Unemployment, a growing crisis 14) Guns must be banned for sale 15) Television is no longer relevant 16) Filter should not be allowed on dating apps 17) Marriage is still relevant 18) We should work for a paperless society. 19) Studying hard is not neccessary 20) China's one-child policy is justifiable. 21) Technology kills creativity 22) Recycling should be made compulsory. 23) Happiness is key to life 24) Fast food is ok 25) Beauty is not only in the eye of the beholder.

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