1) Which of these is incorrect? a) energy is released b) energy is made c) energy is transferred 2) The equation for respiration is : Glucose + oxygen →  a) carbon dioxide + water b) water + sunlight c) carbon dioxide + glucose 3) metabolism is a) all the reactions in the body b) only reactions that make things c) only reactions that break things down 4) Aerobic respiration uses oxygen to react with glucose releasing energy, making carbon dioxide and water. a) True b) False 5) Anaerobic respiration turns glucose into lactic acid in muscles, and does not use oxygen. a) True b) False 6) Which releases more energy - aerobic or anaerobic respiration? a) aerobic b) anaerobic 7) What is the cause of cramp? a) Running out of glucose in muscles b) Lactic acid build up in muscles c) Raised heart rate due to adrenaline 8) Which organ can convert lactic acid back to glucose? a) Heart b) Lungs c) Liver 9) In some organisms ethanol (alcohol) can be produced by a) aerobic respiration b) anaerobic respiration 10) Respiration occurs in which organelle? a) Chloroplasts b) Mitochondria c) Vacuole d) Nucleus 11) After exercise the increased demand for oxygen continues - this is due to a) an oxygen demand b) an oxygen debt c) an oxygen donation

Aerobic and anaerobic respiration


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