1) Inequality is... a) the unequal opportunities for individuals in society. b) the equal opportunities for people in society. 2) 1 in 7 children live in poverty a) True b) False 3) How many MPs rejected the free school meals over the holidays? a) 304 b) 322 c) 225 d) 333 4) What % of young people have tried drugs to see what it feels like? a) 30 b) 72 c) 33 d) 50 e) 29 f) 43 5) What is a common drug used in prisons? a) Heroin b) Weed c) Spice d) Cocaine 6) How many hospital admissions were there related to drugs related mental health disorders in 2020? a) 3400 b) 7000 c) 2008 d) 5800 e) 7027 7) Decriminalisation is... a) the action of stopping something from being seen as illegal. b) the action of making something legal. 8) What does the VRU stand for? a) Violence Reduction Unit b) Violence Resolution Unit c) Violent Result Unit 9) Glasgow City has the highest crime rate in Scotland. a) True b) False 10) Poverty is... a) When you do not have enough money to have a certain standard of living. b) When you have enough money to have a certain standard of living.

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