1) The clown ____ widely. a) smile b) smiles 2) My aunt ___ dinner. a) cooks b) cook 3) They ___ to school together. a) walk b) walks 4) The boy ____ the ball. a) kicks b) kick 5) Do you ____ a balloon? a) have b) has 6) We ____ loudly at the joke. a) laugh b) laughs 7) A rabbit ___ long ears. a) has b) have 8) These biscuits ___ tasty. a) is b) are 9) I ___ my cousin in the weekend. a) visit b) visits 10) It ___ very hot today. a) are b) is 11) You ____ the car. a) drives b) drive 12) My dog ___ a nap after its meal. a) take b) takes 13) Matthew ___ the doorbell once. a) ring b) rings 14) Angela ____ ketchup to her eggs. a) add b) adds 15) Everyone ____ happy. a) is b) are

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