1) I am green, carnivorous and reptile. So which animal am I? a) LİON b) SNAKE c) DOG d) CAT e) SHARK f) DOLPHIN 2) I live in the sea, I am a carnivore, I have fins. which anima l am I? a) SNAKE b) EAGLE c) GIRAFFE d) DEER e) WHALE f) CROCODİLE 3) Which animal is a carnivore? a) MONKEY b) BIRT c) SNAKE d) LİON e) TURTLE f) BEAR 4) Which is a herbivorous animal? a) FISH b) FOX c) DONKEY d) BAT e) COW f) ELEPHANT 5) Which animal has wings? a) PUMA b) BIRT c) CROCODILE d) DOG e) EAGLE f) flamingo 6) Which of the following is not a sitcom? a) hayatta kalma programı b) durum komedisi c) yarışma programı d) haber e) pembe dizi f) çizgi filim 7) .......Is an informative programme I prefer it to the dramas a) cartoon b) soop opera c) sitcom d) quiz show e) reality show f) commercials 8) My Brother loves. ...... He loves watching his favourite football teams matches regularly a) weather forecast b) reality show c) commercials d) sitcom e) soop opera f) sports programmes 9) when a programe have a break..... start ıt is really boring a) commercials b) soap opers c) directors d) series e) cartoon f) documentary 10) the ...... durıng the tv programmes are long and borıng a) discussions b) educational c) commercials d) news e) sit-coms f) catoons



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